
Nirvanic - we've de-stealthed!

Why we want to make conscious AI

Hi everyone,

We’re excited to share that our once "worst-kept secret" in Vancouver’s AI scene is out: Nirvanic Consciousness Technologies Inc. is officially live.

Nirvanic is a quantum-AI venture seeking to unlock the computational power of consciousness.


We aim to vastly improve the decision-making systems of artificial intelligence, imbuing it with conscious capabilities that keep it in harmony with people. And in so doing, we’re testing the quantum basis of consciousness in order to humanize AI.

“But wait,” you might ask. “Are you really trying to make AI conscious?”

Yes. But that’s a good thing.  Let us explain.

All AI systems today are unconscious.  They may be super intelligent, but they only act based on what they have seen before.  They have no inner experience, no awareness of the consequences of their actions.  As these systems become more prevalent in the physical world, such as in self-driving cars or domestic machines, that could be a safety problem. 

Conscious AI, by contrast, would enable these systems to see many options at once, feel which ones are right and wrong, and know what to do.  We want to imbue AI with similar computational physics that life relies upon to make instinctive decisions.  

This type of AI would be able to "snap out of" the routine, unconscious activity that it’s been trained for, and when needed, become acutely aware of novel or urgent situations that require fast or nuanced judgment calls, just like life does.

We, as people, switch from unconscious to conscious attention all the time. Consider your drive to work. We seem to coast on “auto pilot” on routine commutes, letting our minds wander to work or dinner plans.  Yet when a truck swerves into our lane, we snap into hyper-alert attention immediately to steer us to safety. 🚗

So when people say they’re afraid of AI, we think it’s unconscious AI they’re worried about—AI that isn’t equipped to handle the unpredictable nature of human environments. That’s what we want to change. We envision an AI that doesn’t just operate alongside people but actively supports them.

We’re working to build an AI that aligns with human values—an AI with qualities like intuition, empathy, nuanced judgment, and morality. We believe this is the future of safe, human-compatible AI.

Follow our journey here on Substack and on social media:




Suzanne Gildert

CEO of Nirvanic